Perforated Window Vinyl for great advertising and semi privacy.
One-way perforated-vinyl window films: With this popular option, you can “wrap” your entire glass window or door. People on the outside who are looking in will see your attractive custom graphic. But, shoppers or others on the inside looking outward will see straight through the wrap, thanks to a series of micro perforations.
Our perforated window film offer some other benefits. For stores, restaurants and other businesses that face strong sunlight, the perforated vinyl will help to defuse the brightness.
Perforated Window Vinyl is a great way to advertise on your windows, yet maintain some (filtered) day or sun light and see-through capabilities. Light conditions do apply, please call us or stop by to discuss various options and pros and cons.
Perforated Window Vinyl for great advertising and semi privacy.
Perforated Window Graphics with see-through capabilities and sun or glare protection.
Perforated Window Vinyl is also a perfect application for vehicle rear or side windows.
Perforated Window Film can also be used on windows with company logos & photos.
Pros and Cons for Overlaminating Perforated Window Vinyl
"When you're talking about laminating perforated window film the answer isn't so cut and dry.
- If you want optimal protection for fading and scuff resistance then you use optically clear vinyl overlaminate.
- However, if you want the utmost visibility through the perforated window film, then you can't overlaminate.
Durability of Perforated Vinyl Applications
According to manufacturer's information, the perf. vinyl is expected to last a year (some say 2) without lamination, may be 2 or bit longer with lamination....,
However, our "real life" experiences have been significantly better. The vinyl perf on our store door (no Lamination) is approx. 5 years old and still looks good. The Window Perf. on my Explorer lasted several years, in spite of rear window washer wiper and the perf. on my truck lasted several years too. A lot has to do with sun exposure and proper care; i.e. no harsh cleaners or chemicals.
The vinyl material manufacturing industry is not regulated which means, information provided by manufacturers is not on an apples to apples comparison. However, our hands-on, trial and error testing, experience and already applied applications are a real advantage to our customers to find the best value for their money; rather than taking a manufacturer's or sales person's word or paying premium fees for supposedly longer durability or other reasons.
To speak with a Signs By Tomorrow Arlington Heights professional, call us at 847-255-0123 or email us.